Selasa, 10 November 2015

Rumah Musik Jakarta entertaintment menerima tawaran jasa Workshop seni untuk event yang anda selenggarakan. Berikut ini tawaran jasa yang kami tawarkan kepada anda :


-          Jasa Workshop Musik Perkusi 

-          Jasa Workshop Solo Vocal  

-          Jasa Workshop Vocal Grup

-          Jasa Workshop Choir / Paduan Suara

-          Jasa Workshop Musik Ansambel

-          Jasa Workshop Musik Orkestra

-          Jasa Workshop Musik Tradisional

-          Jasa Workshop Musik Gamelan

-          Jasa Workshop Musik Gambang Kromong

-          Jasa Workshop Musik Angklung

-          Jasa Workshop Musik Angklung Interaktif

-          Jasa Workshop Musik Rampak Kendang

-          Jasa Workshop Musik Band

-          Jasa Workshop Musik Marching Band

-          Jasa Workshop Musik Drum Band

-          Jasa Workshop Tarian Tradisional

-          Jasa Workshop Modern Dance

-          Jasa Workshop LED Dance

-          Jasa Workshop Drama 

-          Jasa Workshop Teater 

-          Jasa Workshop  Film Pendek

-         Jasa Workshop Lukis

-          Etc


Kami menerima tawaran jasa workshop untuk sekolah, lembaga, perusahaan, universitas, dan sebagainya. Dengan mengusung motto professional dan expert, kami siap menjadi partner anda. Info lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi kami di 082114015124 (WA/Tlp) atau via email : rumahmusik.djakarta@gmail.com

Sejarah Musik di Dunia

Kamis, 09 April 2015

Sejak abad ke-2 dan abad ke-3 sebelum Masehi, di Tiongkok da Mesir ada musik yang mempunyai bentuk tertentu. Dengan mendapat pengaruh dari Mesir dan Babilon, berkembanglah musik Hibrani yang dikemudian hari berkembang menjadi musik Gereja. Musik itu kemudian disenangi oleh masyarakat, karena adanya pemain-pemain musik yang mengembara serta menyanyikan lagu yang dipakai pada upacara Gereja. Musik itu tersebar di seluruh Eropa kemudian tumbuh berkembang, dan musik instrumental maju dengan pesat setelah ada perbaikan pada alat-alat musik, misalnya biola dan cello. Kemudian timbulah alat musik Orgel. Komponis besar muncul di Jerman, Prancis, Italia, dan Rusia. Dalam abad ke 19, rasa kebangsaan mulai bangun dan berkembang. Oleh karena itu perkembangan musik pecah menurut kebangsaannya masing-masing, meskipun pada permulaannya sama-sama bergaya Romantik. Mulai abad 20, Prancis menjadi pelopor dengan musik Impresionistis yang segera diganti dengan musik Ekspresionistis.

Perkembangan Musik Dunia
Musik sudah ada sejak Zaman purbakala dan dipergunakan sebagai alat untuk mengiringi upacara-upacara kepercayaan. Perubahan sejarah musik terbesar terjadi pada abad pertengahan,disebabkan terjadinya perubahan keadaan dunia yang makin meningkat. Musik tidak hanya dipergunakan untuk keperluan keagamaan, tetapi dipergunakan juga un tuk urusan duniawi. Perkembangan musik dinia terbagi dalam enam zaman, yaitu:

1.Zaman Abad Pertengahan.
Zaman Abad Pertengahan sejarah kebudayaan adalah Zaman antara berakhirnya kerajaan Romawi (476 M) sampai dengan Zaman Reformasi agama Kristen oleh Marthen Luther (1572M). perkembangan Musik pada Zaman ini disebabkan oleh terjadinya perubahan keadaan dunia yang semakin meningkat, yang menyebabkan penemuan-penemuan baru dalam segala bidang, termasuk dalam kebudayaan. Perubahan dalam sejarah musik adalah bahwa musik tedak lagi dititikberatkan pada kepentingan keagamaan tetapi dipergunakan juga untuk urusan duniawi, sebagai sarana hiburan.
Perkembangan selanjutnya adalah adanya perbaikan tulisan musik dan dasar-dasar teori musik yang dikembangkan oleh Guido d’ Arezzo (1050 M)
Musik dengan menggunakan beberapa suara berkembang di Eropa Barat. Musik Greogrian disempurnakan oleh Paus Gregorius.Pelopor Musik pada Zaman Pertengahan diantaranya.

- Gullanme Dufay dari Prancis.
- Adam de la halle dari Jerman.

2. Zaman Renaisance (1500 – 1600).
Zaman Renaisance adalah zaman setelah abad Pertengahan, Renaisance artinya Kelahiran Kembali tingkat Kebudayaan tinggi yang telah hilang pada Zaman Romawi. Musik dipelajari dengan cirri-ciri khusus, contoh nyanyian percintaan, nyanyian keperwiraan. Sebaliknya musik Gereja mengalami kemunduran. Pada zaman ini alat musik Piano dan Organ sudah dikenal, sehingga munculah musik Instrumental. Di kota Florence berkembang seni Opera. Opera adalah sandiwara dengan iringan musik disertai oloeh para penyanyinya.

Komponis-komponis pada Zaman Renaisance diantaranya.

- Giovanni Gabrieli (1557 – 1612) dari Italia.
- Galilei (1533 – 1591) dari Italia.
- Claudio Monteverdi (1567 – 1643) dari Venesia.
- Jean Baptiste Lully (1632 – 1687) dari Prancis.

3. Zaman Barok dan Rokoko.
Kemajuan musik pada zaman pertengahan ditandai dengan munculnya aliran-aliran musik baru, diantaranya adalah aliran Barok dan Rokoko. Kedua aliran ini hamper sama sifatnya, yaitu adanya pemakaian Ornamentik (Hiasan Musik). Perbedaannya adalah bahwa musik Barok memakai Ornamentik yang deserahkan pada Improvisasi spontan oleh pemain, sedangkan pada musik Rokoko semua hiasan Ornamentik dicatat.
Komponis-komponis pada Zaman Barok dan Rokoko, yaitu:

a. Johan Sebastian Bach.
Lahir tanggal 21 Maret 1685 di Eisenach Jerman, meninggal tanggal 28 Juli 1750 di Lipzig Jerman. Hasil karyanya yang amat indah dan terkenal, diantaranya:

1. St. Mathew Passion.
2. Misa dalam b minor.
3. 13 buah konser piano dengan orkes.
4. 6 buah Konserto Brandenburg.
Gubahan-gubahannya mendasari musik modern. Sebastian Bach menciptakan musik Koral (musik untuk Khotbah Gereja) dan menciptakan lagu-lagu instrumental.
Pada akhir hidupnya Sebastian Bach menjadi buta dan meninggal di Leipzig.

b. George Fredrick Haendel.
Lahir di Halle Saxony 23 Februari 1685 di London, meninggal di London tanggal 14 April 1759. Semasa kecilnya dia sudah memperlihatkan bekat keahlian dalam bermain musik. Pada tahun 1703,ia pindah ke Hamburg untuk menjadi anggaota Orkes Opera. Tahun 1712 ia kembali mengunjungi Inggris. Hasil ciptaannya yang terkenal adalah:

1. Messiah, yang merupakan Oratorio (nama sejenis musik) yang terkenal.
2. Water Musik (Musik Air).
3. Fire Work Music (Musik Petasan).
Water Musik dan Fire Work Music merupakan Orkestranya yang paling terkenal. Dia meninggal di London dan dimakamkan di Westminster Abbey.

4. Zaman Klasik 91750 – 1820).
Sejarah musik klasik dimukai pada tahun 1750, setelah berakhirnya musik Barok dan Rokoko.

Ciri-ciri Zaman musik Klasik, yaitu:
a. Penggunaan dinamika dari Keras menjadi Lembut, Crassendo dan Decrasscendo.
b. Perubahan tempo dengan accelerando (semakin Cepat) dan Ritarteando (semakin lembut).
c. Pemakaian Ornamentik dibatasi
d. Penggunaan Accodr 3 nada.

Komponis-komponis pada Zaman Klasik antara lain:

1). Frans Joseph Haydn (1732 – 1809),
Lahir di Rohrau Austria, ia meninggal tanggal 31 Mei 1809 di Wina Austria. Karya ciptaannya yaitu : Sonata Piano, 87 buah kuartet, 24 buah opera, 100 buah simfoni, yang paling terkenal adalah The Surprisse Sympony. Dalam sejarah musik, Joseph Haydn termashur sebagai Bapak Simfony yang mewujudkan bentuk orkes dan kuartet seperti yang kita kenal sekarang. Di Wina ia diakui sebagai Komponis Austria yang handal.

2). Wolfgang Amandeus Mozart (1756 – 1791)
Lahir pada tanggal 27 januari 1756 di Salzburg Austria, meninggal tanggal 5 Desember 1791 di Wina Austria. Hasil karyanya adalah : Requiem Mars, 40 buah Simfony, Opera Don Geovani, Kuintet Biola Alto, Konserto Piano. Pada usia 3 tahun ia telah dapat menghasilkan melodi dan menerapkan accor pada hrpsikord. Pada usia 5 tahun ia telah mulai menciptakan lagu dan muncul didepan umum pada usia 6 tahun, kemudian bersama saudara perempuannya mengadakan Tour keliling Eropa. Pada tahun 1781 ia pindah ke kota Wina dan mengarang ciptaan-ciptaannya yang termaahur. Permainannya sangat menakjubkan, sehingga dijiluki Anak Ajaib. Biarpun memperoleh banyak sukses, tapi ia sangat miskin dan dalam keadaan yang sengsara, ia meninggal di Wina dalam usia 35 tahun dan dikuburkan di pekuburan fakir miskin. Ia menulis banyak komposisi dalam bentuk yang berbeda-beda tetapi berpegang kuat pada gaya klasik murni.

5. Zaman Romantik (1820 – 1900).
Musik romantic sangat mementingkan perasaan yang subyaktif. Musik bukan saja dipergunakan untuk mencapai keindahan nada-nada, akan tetapi digunakan untuk mengungkapkan perasaan. Oleh karena itu, dinamika dan tempo banyak dipakai. Komponis-komponis pada Zaman romantic adalah:

a. Ludwig Von Bethoven dari Jerman.
b. Franz Peter Schubert dari Wina.
c. Francois Fredrick Chopin dari Polandia
d. Robert Alexander Schumann dari jerman.
e. Johanes Brahms dari Hamburg Jerman.

Riwayat Haidup Komponis Zaman Romantik, yaitu:

1). Ludwig Von Beethoven (1770 – 1827).
Lahir Desember 1770 di Bonn Jerman, ia meninggal tanggal 26 Maret 1827 di Wina Austria. Ia menamakan dirinya sebagai Pujangga Nada. Sejak usia 4 tahun dia belajar musik dibawah asuhan ayanhnya. Pada usia 17 tahun ia pergi ke Wina menemui komponis Mozart, kemudian Mozart memberi bimbingan musik kepadanya, sehingga ia dapat menjadi pemain musik yang baik danm komonis yang berbakat. Pada usia 30 tahun pendengarannya mulai berkurang, dan usia 50 tahun pendengarannya tuli sama sekali. Pada waktu ciptaannya Ninth Symphonies lahir, ia tidak mampu lagi mendengarkan hasil karyanya itu. Pada tanggal 26 Maret 1827, dia meninggal di Wina. Ia hidup dengan sangat menderita, tetapi mampu menciptakan Sonata dunia yang paling indah. Hasil ciptaannya antara lain :
- 5 buah sonata cello dan piano.
- 9 buah symfoni
- 32 sonata piano.

2). Franz Peter Scubert (1797 – 1828).
Lahir di Wina 31 Januari 1797, dia meninggal tanggal 19 Desember 1828, ciptaannya antara lain : Ave Maria, The Erl King, Antinghed Symphony, Gretchen At The Spining Sheel, The Wild Rose. Schubert mempunyai suara yang merdu dan menjadi penyayi paduan suara Imperial Choir. Kemudian ia memperdalam pengetahuan musiknya dibidang komposisi. Pada waktu meninggal, Ia tidak dikenal orang banyak dan berpasan agar dikuburkan dekat makan Beethoven. Dia meninggalkan 100 buah hasil karyanya, kebanyakan lagu-lagu solo.

3). Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813 – 1883).
Lahir tanggal 22 Mei 1813 di Leipzig Jerman, meninggal 13 Februari 1883 di Venesia. Hasil ciptaannya antaralain : Tannhauser, Die Maistersinger Von Hurberg, Lohengrin, Der Fliegende Holander.

4). Johannes Brahms (1883 – 1897).
Lahir 7 Mei 1883 di Hamburg Jerman, ia meninggal 3 April 1897 di Wina Austria. Hasil ciptaannya : Hungarian Dance, Muskoor Ein Deusches Requiem, Kuartet gesek.. paa usia 14 tahun ia telah menjadi pianis yang baik. Dia adalah seorang komponis terakhir dari aliran Romantik, karyanya sangat indah.

6. Zaman Modern (1900 – sekarang).
Musik pada Zaman ini tidak mengakui adanay hokum-hukum dan peraturan-peraturan, karena kemajuan ilmu dan teknologi yang semakin pesat, misalnya penemuan dibidang teknik seperti Film, Radio, dan Televisi. Pada masa ini orang ingin mengungkapkan sesuatu dengan bebas. Komponis-komponis pada Zaman Modern, yaitu:
1. Claude Achille Debussy dari Prancis
2. Bella Bartok dari Honggaria.
3. Maurice Ravel dari Prancis.
4. Igor Fedorovinsky dari Rusia
5. Edward Benyamin Britten dari Inggris.

Biography JS. Bach


Biography of Bach (1685-1750)

Bach almost had to be a musician—everyone else in his family was and many relatives to him still are. He was born in 1685 in Eisenach, Germany. His father taught him to play the violin. Both of Johann’s parents died before he was ten, and he went to live with his older brother. By age fifteen, he was supporting himself.

Bach spent most of his life as an organist, choir director, orchestra conductor, and composer, for either a church or court, or both at once. After some smaller jobs, he became the main musician for the Duke of Weimar, in Germany. This meant doing all the work of a church musician plus composing instrumental music for palace concerts. As a church musician, Bach had to write all his own music for every Sunday, until his collection became large enough that he could occasionally reuse it. The reason why Bach (and other composers by his time) composed his own music for all the church events is that otherwise, he would have had to copy another composer’s music by hand. A less interesting and, to a genius like Bach, almost as much effort as composing himself.
When Bach wanted to leave the Duke for a job in Cöthen, the Duke threw him in jail. This happened in the days before labor unions. After his release, he started working for the court of the prince in Cöthen, who favored instrumental music over fancy church music. As a result, Bach wrote more instrumental music than church music during his time in Cöthen.

The 23-year-old Prince Leopold was himself a highly-gifted musician who made his court an important musical center. Besides recognizing Bach's artistic genius, the Prince formed a warm personal attachment to the Bach family, even being godfather to one of Bach's children. Since the Cöthen court was in a Calvinist region of Germany, music was barred from local churches. Bach's work therefore was almost exclusively for Prince Leopold's household band - 18 musicians of the highest caliber - and was devoted to instrumental music. During his stay in Cöthen Bach composed concertos, inventions, sonatas, suites, including the Brandenburgs and the Well-Tempered Clavier. As a side-note, I cannot help mentioning that Bach only named the first Volume of 24 preludes and fugues Well-Tempered Klavier (or rather "Das Wohl Temperierte Clavier"). The second volume was only named by Bach as "24 preludes and fugues".

This period would have been the happiest of Bach's life had it not been for the untimely death of Maria Barbara in 1720. Bach lost a wife in the same year that Leopold found his, and both events proved unhappy occurrences for Bach. Leopold's new bride had no appreciation of music and, smitten with her, the prince neglected, and then finally disbanded his fine orchestra. In 1723, nearly 40 years old, remarried to professional singer Anna Magdalena and with a growing family, Bach started looking for another job.

He would spend the longest portion of his career, the last 27 years of his life, in Leipzig. Ironically, the Bach's illustrious present-day reputation is so identified with Leipzig; yet back in 1723, in appointing Bach, the town felt it had been unsuccessful in hiring the best candidate and had to "settle for a mediocre one". For his part, Bach accepted the post with hesitation, feeling that the title of cantor was a significant step down from that of capellmeister. Nevertheless, the job at Leipzig was considered a very prestigious one, because of the caliber of men who had filled the position, and because of Leipzig's long-standing reputation as a commercial center and a bastion of learning and religion.

Bach had twenty children with two different wives. Only nine children survived to see adulthood. His first wife, Maria Barbara, was also his cousin. After she died, he married his second wife, Anna Magdalena. She was a singer and keyboard player, and helped Bach with his work. Many of the children also were trained to help Bach copy out music parts for Sunday mornings.

In later life, Bach became blind, and his compositions lost their popularity. He died of a stroke in 1750, and his music would remain unappreciated for many decades. However, Felix Mendelssohn's celebrated performance of Bach's St. Matthew Passion in 1829 was important in putting Bach's name back on the musical map, and his popularity has only increased since.

Bach's music

Bach's music reconciles these two aspects; the horizontal (melodic) and the vertical (harmonic) in complete balance. While his music often has the linear complexity of Renaissance polyphony, it also has a sure and inevitable harmonic architecture that always gives the music a sense of solid form and direction. Bach's music also synthesizes the prevailing French and Italian styles that dominated the Baroque era. The Italian style, with its emphasis on operatic singing and string playing, tends to be more rhythmically straight forward, emotionally extroverted, and prone to the use of repeating harmonic sequences. French music, on the other hand, grows out of a love for wind instruments and dancing, and the emotional quality is often subtle and less overt.

Bach's cosmopolitan style is a result of the fact that he travelled very little, although in his youth he did famously walk 200 miles to hear Buxtehude play the organ. Most of Bach's working life was spent as a Kapellmeister of various important churches, where he was responsible for the music performed at weekly Sunday services. However, it could have ended as early as when he was 17 years old as he once, when the church was closed, invited a girl up to the organ, which in these days, was a strictly forbidden place for a woman to be. It is told that they were caught "making out" by the holy father himself and the event was reported to a higher instance. If it had not been for his known extrem capabilities of composing and his virtuosic abilities on the organ, he would have been forced to change his direction of life and we would never have known his beautiful art. Maybe an act of God after all?

Bach's devout Lutheran faith pervades all his works and one cannot fully understand him without knowing many of the over two hundred sacred cantatas he wrote for Sunday services (such as Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet; and Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring from "Herz Und Mund Und Tat Und Leben"), or the great masses and passions, such as the Mass in b and the St. Matthew Passion, written for Easter and other high holy days. Here one can discover the elaborate use of musical figures employed to express text, which also pervade the purely instrumental music.

Throughout his life, Bach seemed to be driven to systematically explore all the possibilities of a given style or genre. In his organized and numerologically based way there are six Brandenburg Concerti - the essence of the Italian style as opposed to the four Orchestral Suites, (including the Allegro from the Brandeburg Concerto No.1; the Adagio from No.2, and the Allegro from No.5), six of each of the keyboard suites mentioned above, six cello suites, six solo violin works, etc. Each of the pieces in these collections explores or emphasizes another possibility within the type. A veritable bible for musicians, the two books of The Well-Tempered Klavier (includes the Prelude and Fugue No.1 in C and Prelude and Fugue No.17 in Ab from Book 1, and the Prelude and Fugue No.13 in F# from Book 2) twice present preludes and fugues of every imaginable type in every key. The miracle of these pieces is that the overwhelming intellectual mastery is always in the service of an even higher emotional character and spirit, explored with unending variety. At the end of his life Bach was still exploring the ultimate possibilities of counterpoint in The Art of the Fugue (contains Contrapunctus 12 rectus and Contrapunctus 12 inversus) and The Musical Offering.

Bach left supreme works in every genre of his age except opera. Ironically this great conservative who really did nothing new, but only better and more completely, is for many musicians the true beginning of modern music. In many works (for example in the chromatic variations of the Goldberg Variations) we can see the the future's harmonic possibilities.

- Robert Ståhlbrand



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Relevant Websites

Bach Central - A Johann Sebastian Bach MIDI page


Cello Suites

Cello Suite no.1 - BWV 1007

I. Prelude (MP3, 2:41, Masecki, M.)
II. Allemande (MP3, 2:25, Masecki, M.)
III. Courante (MP3, 2:43, Masecki, M.)
IV. Sarabande (MP3, 3:31, Masecki, M.)
V. Menuet (MP3, 3:50, Masecki, M.)
VI. Gigue (MP3, 1:27, Masecki, M.)


Chorale Preludes


Chorale Preludes (transcribed by Ferrucio Busoni)

Ferrucio Busoni transcribed a number of the organ chorale preludes from the Clavier-Übung III for piano. These marvellous and idiomatic transcriptions are favourites of every virtuoso pianist.

Nun komm' der Heiden Heiland (MP3, 5:50, Kingma, J.) (New recording)

Bach - Clavier-Übung III

Clavier-Übung III is the third installment of Johann Sebastian Bach's ambitious series of Clavier-Übungen. Unlike the other three volumes, which contain music for the harpsichord (the 6 Partitas in Volume I, the Italian Concerto and the Ouverture in French Style in Volume II, and the Goldberg Variations in Volume IV), Clavier-Übung III is written for the organ.

This heterogenous collection consists of multiple settings of the German Kyrie and Gloria, BWV 669-677, the Four Duets for organ manualiter, BWV 802-805, and the imposing prelude and fugue BWV 552 which is also known as St. Anne's prelude and fugue. The collection of Chorale Preludes is often referred to as the German Organ Mass.

Four duets

Chorale Preludes

Die Kunst der Fuge (The Art of the Fugue) BWV1080

"Die Kunst der Fuge", BWV 1080, is an unfinished work by Johann Sebastian Bach, composed in 1748-1750 and published in 1751, a year after his death. In writing the fourteen fugues and four canons contained in this work Bach demonstrated his complete mastery of the most complex musical counterpoint, achieving particularly elaborate and ingenious combinations of relatively simple themes in pieces which attain the highest musicality.

When Bach died in 1750, almost blind, he was still working on the mighty triple fugue which is now known as Contrapunctus 14. As legend has it, he was dictating the notes to his pupil and son-in-law Johann Christoph Altnickol. The fugue breaks off, touchingly, shortly after introducing the motto theme B-A-C-H. At that location in the autograph manuscript, Carl Philipp Emmanuel wrote a comment stating that 'the composer had died over this fugue, where the name BACH is brought in as a countersubject'. When Bach's sons submitted the work for publication, they apologised for the unfinished fugue and substituted the organ chorale "Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein" in place of it. Later editions removed this irrelevant chorale and gave the unfinished fugue its rightful place as the technical and emotional culmination of the cycle. 

The recordings presented here use the Henle Urtext edtion, a revised edition by the renowned Bach scholar Davitt Moroney, who also completed the unfinished fugue and recorded a benchmark performance of Die Kunst der Fuge on the harpsichord. The order of the fugues and canons, which has long been unclear, follows the ordering from this edition.

Contrapunctus 6 (MP3, 4:17, Breemer, C.) [per Diminutionem] in Stylo Francese
Contrapunctus 7 (MP3, 4:25, Breemer, C.) per Augmentationem et Diminutionem
Contrapunctus 9 (MP3, 3:11, Breemer, C.) alla Duodecima
Contrapunctus 10 (MP3, 5:38, Breemer, C.) alla Decima
Contrapunctus 12a (MP3, 3:17, Breemer, C.) [rectus]
Contrapunctus 12b (MP3, 3:23, Breemer, C.) [inversus]
Contrapunctus 13a (MP3, 2:22, Breemer, C.) [rectus]
Contrapunctus 13b (MP3, 2:23, Breemer, C.) [inversus]
Contrapunctus 14 (MP3, 11:50, Breemer, C.(Completed by Davitt Moroney)
Canon 1 (MP3, 4:29, Breemer, C.In Hypodiapason (Canon alla Ottava)

Preludes, Fantasias and Fugues


Goldberg variations, BWV.988

Aria (MP3, 1:44, Su, S.)

Aria Variata BVW.989